CTP Systeme AGFA Acento II S

Druckmaschinen / Druckvorstufe: Belichter / CTP Systeme

Hersteller: Agfa

Modell: Acento II S

Maschinentyp: CTP Systeme

Eintrags-Nr.: 165007350

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 18.09.2024

Baujahr: 2006 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-de Deutschland 42857 Remscheid


AGFA Acento II S

Age: 2006
Max. Plate Format: 830 x 660 mm
Max. Imaging Area: 830 x 633 mm
Running Time: 33.575 hours only
Exposure Time: 4974 hours
Plate winding cycles: 98.296
Plate Type: Thermal printing plates
32 Infarot Laser Diodes
Performance: 21 plates/hour
Resolution: 1200 – 2400 dpi
Internal Bacher Punching for Format 52 x 74 cm

Consists of:
AGFA Acento II S (PT-R4300S)
AGFA Azura C95, Age 2012 Clean out station
Advand PST 26 Plate Stacker
Computer with Dongle
Torrent Software RIP
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AGFA Acento II S

Age: 2006
Max. Plate Format: 830 x 660 mm
Max. Imaging Area: 830 x 633 mm
Running Time: 33.575 hours only
Exposure Time: 4974 hours
Plate winding cycles: 98.296
Plate Type: Thermal printing plates
32 Infarot Laser Diodes
Performance: 21 plates/hour
Resolution: 1200 – 2400 dpi
Internal Bacher Punching for Format 52 x 74 cm

Consists of:
AGFA Acento II S (PT-R4300S)
AGFA Azura C95, Age 2012 Clean out station
Advand PST 26 Plate Stacker
Computer with Dongle
Torrent Software RIP

Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 165007350
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Wira Grafik GmbH

Wira Grafik GmbH

Herr Vinko Razgorsek
42857 Remscheid

RESALE Anbieter seit 2023

  • Maschinenliste (31)


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aktuelle Agfa Acento II S + ähnliche Agfa-Modelle

2006 AGFAAcento-S
2005 AGFAAcento S
2006 AGFAAcento-S
2005 AGFAAcento S
2005 AGFAAcento E
2006 AGFAAcento II S
2005 AGFAAcento-E
2000 AGFAViper 3.04 Software-Rip
1998 AGFACapstan-Sensors for AccuSet
1994 AGFASupply-Cassette for SelectSet 5000

Preise: verkaufte Agfa Acento II S + ähnliche Agfa-Modelle

2008 AGFAAcento II/Azura C95 12000 EUR [Oct 2016]
2008 AGFAAcento II S 12000 EUR [May 2020]
AGFAStructurix NDT-E 6000 EUR [Jun 2011]
AGFAStrukturix NDT E 5900 EUR [Jul 2011]