Senkerodiermaschine AGIE AGIETRON Innovation 2

Metallbearbeitungs- und Werkzeugmaschinen / Sonstige Metallbearbeitungsmaschinen

Hersteller: AGIE

Modell: AGIETRON Innovation 2

Maschinentyp: Senkerodiermaschine

Eintrags-Nr.: 166542065

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 14.03.2025

Baujahr: 2002 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-HR Kroatien


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: HR-CUT-AGI-2002-00001

This 3-axis AGIE AGIETRON Innovation 2 die-sinking EDM machine was manufactured in 2002. It features a robust AGIEVISION control system, a 28-position electrode changer, and a C-axis for rotation, indexing, and erosion. The machine can handle workpieces up to 650 x 580 x 250 mm and 400 kg. It boasts a high-performance AGIE IPG generator with a removal rate of 450 mm³/min for copper/steel. Consider the opportunity to buy this AGIE AGIETRON Innovation 2. Contact us for more information.
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This 3-axis AGIE AGIETRON Innovation 2 die-sinking EDM machine was manufactured in 2002. It features a robust AGIEVISION control system, a 28-position electrode changer, and a C-axis for rotation, indexing, and erosion. The machine can handle workpieces up to 650 x 580 x 250 mm and 400 kg. It boasts a high-performance AGIE IPG generator with a removal rate of 450 mm³/min for copper/steel. Consider the opportunity to buy this AGIE AGIETRON Innovation 2. Contact us for more information.
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale HR-CUT-AGI-2002-00001
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aktuelle AGIE AGIETRON Innovation 2 + ähnliche AGIE-Modelle

Preise: verkaufte AGIE AGIETRON Innovation 2 + ähnliche AGIE-Modelle

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1995 AGIEAGIETRON INTEGRAL 2 12500 EUR [May 2018]
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1999 AGIEAGIETRON COMPACT 1 8200 EUR [Feb 2020]
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