Agroselector, 2 pieces available, both in good condition. Photos in
the album for an impression., Infeed system is not in the photo album
but it is available, more information on this later., The Agroselector
is roughly capable of processing up to 8ton of product per hours.,
Sorting characteristics;, 360°, An all-round view makes it possible
to capture the entire product surface., The AGROSELECTOR® arcus
identifies the following on the product surface:, - Color values, -
Contrast differences, - Peel remnants, - Spots of rot, - Green marks,
- Red, brown, and black spots, - Foreign objects, The size and
external shape of the product are also detected., Ejector;, 6 rubber
fingers, form a rotating star that guides your products from free fall
into the assigned sorting compartment., The rubber-fingered star is
moved by an electrically powered ejector for spot-on, fast operation.,
This process is internationally patent-protected., At the output of
the AGROSELECTOR® arcus there are 3 sorting compartments to which you
can assign variable sorting qualities., More information on the
official ;