Kunststoffspritzgiessmaschinen ARBURG Allrounder 370S 700-100

Kunststoffverarbeitungsmaschinen / Spritzgießmaschinen / Kunststoffspritzgiessmaschinen

Hersteller: Arburg

Modell: Allrounder 370S 700-100

Maschinentyp: Kunststoffspritzgiessmaschinen

Eintrags-Nr.: 166449288

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 05.02.2025

Baujahr: 2010 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-de Deutschland 52070 Aachen


Maschine auf Lager: Ja

Arburg Allrounder 370S 700-100
Closing force: 70t
Year of production: 2010
Injection Weight: 45g

Injection Unit 370
Screw diameter: 25 mm
Specific injection pressure: 2000 b
Injection volume: 49 ccm
Injection weight: 45 g
Power of cylinder heating bands: 4.9 kW
L/D ratio of snail: 20

Tool clamping system 700
Clamping force: 70 t
Tool plate dimensions: 510 x 510 mm
Clearance between columns: 370 x 370 mm
Ejector Force: 30 kN
Tool height: 300 mm
Opening Path: 400mm
Maximum Distance of Plates: 700mm
Ejector Stroke: 125 mm
Year of production 2010
Controls: Selogica
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Arburg Allrounder 370S 700-100
Closing force: 70t
Year of production: 2010
Injection Weight: 45g

Injection Unit 370
Screw diameter: 25 mm
Specific injection pressure: 2000 b
Injection volume: 49 ccm
Injection weight: 45 g
Power of cylinder heating bands: 4.9 kW
L/D ratio of snail: 20

Tool clamping system 700
Clamping force: 70 t
Tool plate dimensions: 510 x 510 mm
Clearance between columns: 370 x 370 mm
Ejector Force: 30 kN
Tool height: 300 mm
Opening Path: 400mm
Maximum Distance of Plates: 700mm
Ejector Stroke: 125 mm
Year of production 2010
Controls: Selogica
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 166449288
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Europnet IMM

Europnet IMM

Herr Justin Kreyczi
52070 Aachen

RESALE Anbieter seit 2021

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aktuelle Arburg Allrounder 370S 700-100 + ähnliche Arburg-Modelle

Preise: verkaufte Arburg Allrounder 370S 700-100 + ähnliche Arburg-Modelle

1990 ARBURGAllrounder 305 ECO 700-230 2400 EUR [Mar 2017]
1990 ARBURGAllrounder 305-210-700 2500 EUR [Apr 2018]
1980 ARBURGAllrounder 305-210-700 2500 EUR [Apr 2018]
1981 ARBURGAllrounder A305-210-700 5000 EUR [Sep 2012]
1987 ARBURGAllrounder 700-230-305 ECO 3800 EUR [Apr 2018]
ARBURGAllrounder Selecta 900TS400-60 9800 EUR [Jul 2014]
1989 ARBURGAllrounder 250-75-220 D 2500 EUR [Nov 2017]
1999 ARBURGAllrounder 320 S 500- 60 5800 EUR [Mar 2023]
1996 ARBURGallrounder 470C-1300-350 12500 eur [Jun 2011]
1996 ARBURGAllrounder 221 M 350-75 2600 EUR [Apr 2017]
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