Spritzgießen ARBURG Allrounder 570 C 2000

Verfahrenstechnik / Verfahrenstechnik

Hersteller: Arburg

Modell: Allrounder 570 C 2000

Maschinentyp: Spritzgießen

Eintrags-Nr.: 166200877

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 12.03.2025

Baujahr: 2000 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Leipzig, Germany


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: 4959549

Arburg 570 C 2K plastic injection molding machine

Here are the technical details of the machine:

Manufacturer: Arburg

Model: 570 C 2K

Year of manufacture: 2000

Machine hours: Pump 64875h, automatic operation 55437h

Injector 1: Diameter 50 mm, dosing volume 348.4 ccm

Injector 2: Diameter 30 mm, dosing volume 785.7 ccm

Last inspection: by Arburg before dismantling, was serviced with annual interval

The machine has already been dismantled and is on a swap body, which makes transport considerably easier and more flexible.

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Arburg 570 C 2K plastic injection molding machine

Here are the technical details of the machine:

Manufacturer: Arburg

Model: 570 C 2K

Year of manufacture: 2000

Machine hours: Pump 64875h, automatic operation 55437h

Injector 1: Diameter 50 mm, dosing volume 348.4 ccm

Injector 2: Diameter 30 mm, dosing volume 785.7 ccm

Last inspection: by Arburg before dismantling, was serviced with annual interval

The machine has already been dismantled and is on a swap body, which makes transport considerably easier and more flexible.

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Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 4959549
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UCY Industrial GmbH

UCY Industrial GmbH

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82049 Pullach

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aktuelle Arburg Allrounder 570 C 2000 + ähnliche Arburg-Modelle

Preise: verkaufte Arburg Allrounder 570 C 2000 + ähnliche Arburg-Modelle

2000 ARBURG570 C 2000 - 350/150 21500 EUR [Aug 2023]
2018 ARBURG570 C 80000 EUR [Jul 2020]
ARBURGAllrounder 520 C 2000-675 13000 EUR [Mar 2014]
1991 ARBURGAllrounder 470V 2000-675 10500 EUR [Aug 2017]
ARBURGAllrounder 470 V-2000-675 9500 EUR [Dec 2018]
1992 ARBURGALLROUNDER 470V 2000-675 3999 EUR [Dec 2019]
1988 ARBURGAllrounder 270 CMD 400-140 2000 EUR [Oct 2011]
1978 ARBURGAllrounder 100 1700 EUR [Apr 2017]
2005 ARBURGALLROUNDER 370 C 800-250 21250 EUR [Sep 2019]
1987 ARBURGAllrounder 220-90-350 1850 EUR [Mar 2017]
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