Spritzgießmaschine ARBURG Allrounder 720 A

Verfahrenstechnik / Verfahrenstechnik

Hersteller: ARBURG

Modell: Allrounder 720 A

Maschinentyp: Spritzgießmaschine

Eintrags-Nr.: 166374684

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 12.03.2025

Baujahr: 2011 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Frankfurt, Germany


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: 6675036

Manufacturer: ARBURG

Model: Allrounder 720 A

Year of Manufacture: 2011

Type of Machine : Injection Molding Machine with robot cell


- Power Supply Voltage: 400V / 50 Hz
- Control Voltage: 24V / 50 Hz
- Total Connected Load: 119 A
- Hydraulic Pump Operating Hours: 76,846 h
- Machine Cycles: 1,334,277

Clamping Unit:

- Clamping Force: Max. 3200 kN
- Opening Force (stroke): Max. 600 mm
- Mold Height (fixed | variable): Min. to Max. 900-1400 mm
- Maximum Plate Distance (fixed | variable): 1040 x 1040 mm
- Column Distance (b x h): 720 x 720 mm
- Tool Mounting Plates (b x h): Max. 1040 x 1040 mm
- Weight of Moving Mold Half: Max. 2900 kg
- Ejector Force (stroke): Max. 86 | 250 kN
- Dry Cycle Time (EUROMAP):
- Comfort Mode: Min. 2.3-504 s
- Ultimate Mode: Min. 1.5-504 s

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Manufacturer: ARBURG

Model: Allrounder 720 A

Year of Manufacture: 2011

Type of Machine : Injection Molding Machine with robot cell


- Power Supply Voltage: 400V / 50 Hz
- Control Voltage: 24V / 50 Hz
- Total Connected Load: 119 A
- Hydraulic Pump Operating Hours: 76,846 h
- Machine Cycles: 1,334,277

Clamping Unit:

- Clamping Force: Max. 3200 kN
- Opening Force (stroke): Max. 600 mm
- Mold Height (fixed | variable): Min. to Max. 900-1400 mm
- Maximum Plate Distance (fixed | variable): 1040 x 1040 mm
- Column Distance (b x h): 720 x 720 mm
- Tool Mounting Plates (b x h): Max. 1040 x 1040 mm
- Weight of Moving Mold Half: Max. 2900 kg
- Ejector Force (stroke): Max. 86 | 250 kN
- Dry Cycle Time (EUROMAP):
- Comfort Mode: Min. 2.3-504 s
- Ultimate Mode: Min. 1.5-504 s

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aktuelle ARBURG Allrounder 720 A + ähnliche ARBURG-Modelle

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