Abfallrecycling-Linie AVERMANN Waste Sorting System

Maschinen für Entsorgung und Recycling / Sonstige Maschinen für Entsorgung und Recycling

Hersteller: AVERMANN

Modell: Waste Sorting System

Maschinentyp: Abfallrecycling-Linie

Eintrags-Nr.: 166201691

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 13.03.2025



Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: 6123660

Year of Manufacture: 1998

Manufacturer: Avermann

Application: Bulky Waste Sorting

System Components:

- Feed Conveyor
- Inclined Conveyor
- Connection Conveyor with Substructure
- Magnetic Separator with Substructure
- Catwalks
- Stairs
- Platforms
- Emergency Descent Ladders
- Sorting Conveyor
- Sorting Cabin with Substructure
- Heating and Ventilation System
- Discharge Conveyor
- Electrical Control
- Dust Extraction System

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Year of Manufacture: 1998

Manufacturer: Avermann

Application: Bulky Waste Sorting

System Components:

- Feed Conveyor
- Inclined Conveyor
- Connection Conveyor with Substructure
- Magnetic Separator with Substructure
- Catwalks
- Stairs
- Platforms
- Emergency Descent Ladders
- Sorting Conveyor
- Sorting Cabin with Substructure
- Heating and Ventilation System
- Discharge Conveyor
- Electrical Control
- Dust Extraction System

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Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 6123660
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