Technical description:
Machine number: 10.3320 0184
Power supply: 380 V, 3 Ph, 50 Hz, 11.5 kW, 22.0 A
Plastic conveyor belt width: 500 mm
Band width: (2x) 160 mm
Throughput: 24-40 pieces/min
Water consumption: 25 l/min
Weight: 2.500 kg
Dimensions: 5400 x 1300 x 1450 mm
This machine is laid out for filleting gutted and headed cod, haddock,
saithe, hake, merluza and withing from 30 to 70 cm in total lenght
(=0.3 to 2.5 kg, gutted including head). Proven BAADER filleting
system providing for highest yield and reliability. The BAADER 184 is
equipped with an integrated skinning device.