Spritzgießmaschinen BATTENFELD TM 1600/1000

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Hersteller: Battenfeld

Modell: TM 1600/1000

Maschinentyp: Spritzgießmaschinen

Eintrags-Nr.: 166542371

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 12.03.2025

Baujahr: 2001 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-DE Deutschland


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: DE-INJ-BAT-2001-00001

This Battenfeld TM 1600/1000 was manufactured in 2001. A robust injection moulding machine with 160 tonnes of clamping force and a screw diameter of 50 mm. It features a distance between tie bars of 520x520 mm and an opening stroke of 480 mm from the installation height. Ideal for precise and efficient production, the Battenfeld TM 1600/1000 machine we have for sale is a valuable asset for any operation. Contact us for further details.
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This Battenfeld TM 1600/1000 was manufactured in 2001. A robust injection moulding machine with 160 tonnes of clamping force and a screw diameter of 50 mm. It features a distance between tie bars of 520x520 mm and an opening stroke of 480 mm from the installation height. Ideal for precise and efficient production, the Battenfeld TM 1600/1000 machine we have for sale is a valuable asset for any operation. Contact us for further details.
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale DE-INJ-BAT-2001-00001
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Herr Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

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aktuelle Battenfeld TM 1600/1000 + ähnliche Battenfeld-Modelle

1999 BATTENFELDTM 1600/750
2001 BATTENFELDTM 1600/750
2002 BATTENFELDBA 1000/525 TM
2009 BATTENFELDHM 180/1000
BATTENFELDinjection unit .../1000 2100 EUR
2006 BATTENFELDHM 270/1330H/1000H
2003 BATTENFELDHM 10000-9200

Preise: verkaufte Battenfeld TM 1600/1000 + ähnliche Battenfeld-Modelle

1985 BATTENFELDTM 1600/750 7000 EUR [Apr 2014]
2005 BATTENFELDTM 160/1000 with 16.659 hours 21000 Eur [Nov 2019]
2004 BATTENFELDTM 1000/525 - Awaiting refurb 18950 £ [Apr 2015]
1998 BATTENFELDBA 1300 - 1000 CDC 8900 EUR [Jul 2020]
BATTENFELDBA 1000/315 CDC Unilog 4000 11900 EUR [Dec 2018]
2004 BATTENFELDVERTICAL VR 2000/1000 B4 59000 EUR [Jun 2011]
2007 BATTENFELDTM 160/1000 B4 mit 34.156 Btst 26000 EUR [May 2020]
1996 BATTENFELD1000-315 CDK 8900 EUR [May 2016]
2003 BATTENFELDHM 1000/350 16500 £ [Jul 2019]
1998 BATTENFELDBA 1000/500 CDC 12500 £ [Jul 2013]
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