CO2-Laserschneidmaschine BYSTRONIC Bysprint Pro 3015

Metallbearbeitungs- und Werkzeugmaschinen / Blechbearbeitungsmaschinen

Hersteller: Bystronic

Modell: Bysprint Pro 3015

Maschinentyp: CO2-Laserschneidmaschine

Eintrags-Nr.: 166542053

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 12.03.2025

Baujahr: 2013 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-FI Finnland


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: FI-CUT-BYS-2013-00001

This Bystronic Bysprint Pro 3015 was manufactured in 2013. A CO2 laser cutting machine featuring a 4.4 KW power and a shuttle table, it handles a working area of 3000 x 1500mm. Regularly serviced by Bystronic official service, consider the opportunity to buy this Bystronic Bysprint Pro 3015 CO2 laser cutting machine. Contact us for further details regarding this machine.
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This Bystronic Bysprint Pro 3015 was manufactured in 2013. A CO2 laser cutting machine featuring a 4.4 KW power and a shuttle table, it handles a working area of 3000 x 1500mm. Regularly serviced by Bystronic official service, consider the opportunity to buy this Bystronic Bysprint Pro 3015 CO2 laser cutting machine. Contact us for further details regarding this machine.
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale FI-CUT-BYS-2013-00001
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Herr Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

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  • Maschinenliste (1217)


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aktuelle Bystronic Bysprint Pro 3015 + ähnliche Bystronic-Modelle

2013 BYSTRONICBysprint Pro 3015
2010 BYSTRONICBysprint Pro 3015
2011 BYSTRONICBySprint Pro 3015 70240 EUR
2011 BYSTRONICFiber Bysprint 3015
2014 BYSTRONICBySprint Fiber 3015
2014 BYSTRONICBysprint FIBER 3015
2017 BYSTRONICBysprint Fiber 3015
2012 BYSTRONICBySprint Fiber 3015
2015 BYSTRONICBysprint Fiber 3015 4000w

Preise: verkaufte Bystronic Bysprint Pro 3015 + ähnliche Bystronic-Modelle

2011 BYSTRONICBySprint Pro 3015 89775 EUR [Jan 2023]
1998 BYSTRONICBYSPRINT 3015 1800 W 16000 EUR [Sep 2018]
2000 BYSTRONICBySprint 3015 37500 EUR [Jun 2023]
2014 BYSTRONICBYSPRINT FIBER 3015 281500 EUR [Oct 2019]
2001 BYSTRONICBysprint 3015 90000 [Dec 2011]
2009 BYSTRONICBysprint 3015 2,2 kW 2009 61000 EUR [Feb 2021]
1997 BYSTRONICBySprint 3015 60000 Eur [Jul 2015]
2013 BYSTRONICBySprint Fiber 3015 189000 EUR [Oct 2021]
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