Drucker CANON Imagepress C650 & Advance C5235i

Druckmaschinen / Papierverarbeitung: Sonstige

Hersteller: Canon

Modell: Imagepress C650 & Advance C5235i

Maschinentyp: Drucker

Eintrags-Nr.: 166201320

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 12.03.2025

Baujahr: 2018 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Austria


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: 5546928

CANON Imagerunner Advance C5235i2018 CANON Imagepress C6502019 CANON Imagepress C650

All three devices were completely checked and given a general service at the end of March.All three print flawlessly and flawlessly. Since the last service only a few sheets have been printed at a time.Sufficientquantities of toner in all colors are available for all machines.

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CANON Imagerunner Advance C5235i2018 CANON Imagepress C6502019 CANON Imagepress C650

All three devices were completely checked and given a general service at the end of March.All three print flawlessly and flawlessly. Since the last service only a few sheets have been printed at a time.Sufficientquantities of toner in all colors are available for all machines.

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Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 5546928
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UCY Industrial GmbH

UCY Industrial GmbH

Herr Nick Breinfalk
82049 Pullach

RESALE Anbieter seit 2024

  • Maschinenliste (1437)


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aktuelle Canon Imagepress C650 & Advance C5235i + ähnliche Canon-Modelle

2012 CANONimagePRESS C7010VP
2020 CANONImagePress C8000VP
2020 CANONimagePress C810

Preise: verkaufte Canon Imagepress C650 & Advance C5235i + ähnliche Canon-Modelle

CANONimagePress 1110 1990 EUR [Mar 2021]
CANONimagePress C700 9990 EUR [Feb 2021]
CANONimagePress C6010 VP 2490 EUR [Mar 2021]
2017 CANONImagePress c6010s 4000 EUR [Aug 2018]
CANONimagePress C10000VP 4490 EUR [Feb 2021]
CANONImagepress C1 1000 EUR [Dec 2015]
CANONimagePress C7000 VP 2490 EUR [Mar 2021]
CANONimagePRESS C750 14490 EUR [Feb 2021]
CANONimagePress C700 3990 EUR [Feb 2021]
2015 CANONImagePress c1+ Digital 4000 EUR [Sep 2017]
... weitere Preise einsehen Login