COBERT Ambra 32/8

Nahrungsmittelmaschinen / Getränkemaschinen

Hersteller: Cobert

Modell: Ambra 32/8

Eintrags-Nr.: 64049527

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 07.10.2024

Baujahr: 1994 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-de Deutschland


Maschine auf Lager: Ja

Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: 0465

Vacuum-Filling and closing Monobloc Cobert 32/8 for 38mm widemouth PET-bottles
Type: Ambra
with 32 filling valves and 8 head Arol plastic screw capping machine (incl. pick and place system)
Filling tempreature: 85°C degrees hotfill
Running direction: right to left
Neck size: 38mm widemouth
year of manufacturing: 1994
capacity: approx. 6.000bph based on 1,0 ltr. PET-bottles
incl. saftey housing around the machine
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Vacuum-Filling and closing Monobloc Cobert 32/8 for 38mm widemouth PET-bottles
Type: Ambra
with 32 filling valves and 8 head Arol plastic screw capping machine (incl. pick and place system)
Filling tempreature: 85°C degrees hotfill
Running direction: right to left
Neck size: 38mm widemouth
year of manufacturing: 1994
capacity: approx. 6.000bph based on 1,0 ltr. PET-bottles
incl. saftey housing around the machine
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 0465
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