Packaging machines > Filling machine / filler > Bo IMA FARMOMAC F370 18VL 8C - BOTTLE FILLE

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Eintrags-Nr.: 165407556 Anzahl: 1 Datum: 24.10.2024
Standort: Land-fr Frankreich
Preis: [netto]
Hersteller: IMA Farmomac F370 18VL 8C - Bottle fille
Modell: unbekannt
Maschinentyp: Packaging machines > Filling machine / filler > Bo
Beschreibung: Packaging machines > Filling machine / filler > Bo IMA Farmomac F370 18VL 8C - Bottle fille

Manufacturer: Ima Farmomac

Model: F370 18VL 8C

Year: 1987 frame - Machine refurbished by the manufacturer in 2004 with pharmaceutical qualification.

Type : Monoblock bottle filling and crimping machine.

Application: Glass and plastic syrup bottles with aluminium PP28 cap (? 28 mm-)

Industrial sector: Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics

Movement: continuous automatic

Number of filling heads: 18 units

Number of crimping heads: 8 units

Volumetric pump: max. filling 1000 ml


Available sizes: 370 ml and 200 ml

Capacity: 6000 vials/h in 370 ml

Capacity: 7500 vials/h in 200 ml


NEM cap lifter

Vibrating bowl

Electrical cabinet

Laminar flow cabinet

Vessel/buffer tank before filling.

Vial infeed conveyor with paddles

Control box and power cabinet.

Protective covers with safety devices.

Available history and documentation


These elements can be the subject of a separate quotation. change of format, bottle sealing (screw caps, pressure caps, end caps, PFPs, etc.), etc.
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 11778-4
Maschine auf Lager: Ja
Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: 11778-4
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