Horizontale Drehmaschine DMG CTX beta 1250 4 A

Metallbearbeitungs- und Werkzeugmaschinen / Drehmaschinen

Hersteller: DMG

Modell: CTX beta 1250 4 A

Maschinentyp: Horizontale Drehmaschine

Eintrags-Nr.: 166541583

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 12.03.2025

Baujahr: 2012 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-NL Niederlande


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: NL-TUR-DMG-2012-00001

This 12-axis DMG CTX beta 1250 TC 4A horizontal turning machine was manufactured in 2012. It features a two-spindle turning/milling center, integrated spindle motors, and a CNC control Siemens 840D. Equipped with a Y-axis, B-axis, and a tool chain magazine with 120 compartments, it offers high flexibility and precision. Ideal for complex machining tasks, the DMG CTX beta 1250 TC 4A horizontal turning machine we have for sale is a robust addition to any production line. Contact us for further details.
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This 12-axis DMG CTX beta 1250 TC 4A horizontal turning machine was manufactured in 2012. It features a two-spindle turning/milling center, integrated spindle motors, and a CNC control Siemens 840D. Equipped with a Y-axis, B-axis, and a tool chain magazine with 120 compartments, it offers high flexibility and precision. Ideal for complex machining tasks, the DMG CTX beta 1250 TC 4A horizontal turning machine we have for sale is a robust addition to any production line. Contact us for further details.
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale NL-TUR-DMG-2012-00001
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Herr Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

RESALE Anbieter seit 2017

  • Maschinenliste (1217)


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aktuelle DMG CTX beta 1250 4 A + ähnliche DMG-Modelle

2008 DMGCTX 320 linear
2011 DMGCTX 510 ECO 48455 EUR
2009 DMGCTX 310 eco
2011 DMGCTX 310 ECO 43930 EUR
2010 DMGCTX 510 eco V3 29000 EUR
2002 DMGDMF 300 5 AXIS
2005 DMGDMC 635 V - 4 axis

Preise: verkaufte DMG CTX beta 1250 4 A + ähnliche DMG-Modelle

2008 DMGCTX Alpha 500 65000 EUR [Nov 2014]
2008 DMGCTX Alpha 500 65000 EUR [Dec 2014]
2012 DMGCTX alpha 300 79900 EUR [Dec 2016]
2011 DMGCTX 310 ECO LINE Turning Cente 45000 EUR [Sep 2013]
DMGCTX 310 eco 26500 EUR [Sep 2023]
2009 DMGCTX 510 ECO 60000 EUR [Sep 2014]
2009 DMGCTX 310 eco 32000 EUR [Nov 2021]
2013 DMGCTX gamma 3000 TC CNC 340002 EUR [Nov 2022]
2015 DMGSPRINT 50-3T B axis 189000 EUR [Jan 2021]
2015 DMGSPRINT 50-3T B axis 189000 EUR [Feb 2021]
... weitere Preise einsehen Login