Metallbearbeitungs- und Werkzeugmaschinen / Schleifmaschinen

Hersteller: ESTARTA

Modell: 320

Eintrags-Nr.: 162987868

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 13.03.2025

Baujahr: 2019 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-es Spanien


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: 4343

Plongee Portfolio, Cymbal Ports, Speed ​​variator for the traction wheel OPTIONAL: Lead-in slide, CNC, Fairing, Automatic centralized greasing, 1 Year Warranty / Porta plongee rules, Saucers wheel holder, OPTION: Porta rules enfilade, cnc, protection,, automatic lubrication system, 1 year warranty, Ø grinding wheel dimensions (od x id x width): Ø 406 x Ø 203 x 200 mm, Ø min / max to grinding: 1.5 / 100 mm, Regulating wheel width: 200 mm, Regulating wheel speed nº: infinite, Min / max regulating wheel speed (r.p.m.): 0/450 rpm, Lubrication (auto / manual): Automatic, Control type ((cnc / manual): CNC, Cnc brand: FANUC, Cnc model: Oi Mate - TF, Infeed (auto / manual): Automatic, Regulating wheel dimensions (od x id x width): Ø 270 x Ø 140 x 200 mm, Grinding wheel width: 200 mm, Maximum infeed grinding length: 200 mm, Motor power grinding wheelhead: 15 kW, Long: 2020 mm, Width: 1300 mm, High: 1420 mm, Weight: 4200 Kg, Accessories included: Roll holder, Cradle carrier, Drive wheel speed variator, Automatic centralized greasing OPTIONAL: Fairing, 1 Year Warranty / Roll holder, Cradle holder, Drive wheel speed variator, Automatic centralized greasing OPTIONAL: Fairing, 1 Year Warranty
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Plongee Portfolio, Cymbal Ports, Speed ​​variator for the traction wheel OPTIONAL: Lead-in slide, CNC, Fairing, Automatic centralized greasing, 1 Year Warranty / Porta plongee rules, Saucers wheel holder, OPTION: Porta rules enfilade, cnc, protection,, automatic lubrication system, 1 year warranty, Ø grinding wheel dimensions (od x id x width): Ø 406 x Ø 203 x 200 mm, Ø min / max to grinding: 1.5 / 100 mm, Regulating wheel width: 200 mm, Regulating wheel speed nº: infinite, Min / max regulating wheel speed (r.p.m.): 0/450 rpm, Lubrication (auto / manual): Automatic, Control type ((cnc / manual): CNC, Cnc brand: FANUC, Cnc model: Oi Mate - TF, Infeed (auto / manual): Automatic, Regulating wheel dimensions (od x id x width): Ø 270 x Ø 140 x 200 mm, Grinding wheel width: 200 mm, Maximum infeed grinding length: 200 mm, Motor power grinding wheelhead: 15 kW, Long: 2020 mm, Width: 1300 mm, High: 1420 mm, Weight: 4200 Kg, Accessories included: Roll holder, Cradle carrier, Drive wheel speed variator, Automatic centralized greasing OPTIONAL: Fairing, 1 Year Warranty / Roll holder, Cradle holder, Drive wheel speed variator, Automatic centralized greasing OPTIONAL: Fairing, 1 Year Warranty
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 4343
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