GALLUS EM 510 - 10-color

Druckmaschinen / Druckmaschinen: Flexo- und Tiefdruck

Hersteller: GALLUS

Modell: EM 510 - 10-color

Eintrags-Nr.: 162688944

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 12.03.2024

Baujahr: 2008 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-de Deutschland


Maschine auf Lager: Nein

Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: FGT 24-185

Gallus EMS 510 – 10-color
 Age: 2008
 Unwind unit with pneumatical lift
 Splice detector
 Web break detection
 Web cleaning unit TEKNEK
 10 Flexo unit
 10 Dynamic printing pressure adjustment
 10 chillroller
 10 UV curing system GEW ECP 2019
 Diecut unit
 Matrix rewind unit
 Exit pacing unit
 High performance slitter uni
 web video
 Rewind uni
 Jobdata storage for up to 500 jobs
 Chilling machine
 Automatic register control
 Rail system
 Delam / relam
 10 Anilox sleeve
 98 print sleeve
 Job change trolley
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Gallus EMS 510 – 10-color
 Age: 2008
 Unwind unit with pneumatical lift
 Splice detector
 Web break detection
 Web cleaning unit TEKNEK
 10 Flexo unit
 10 Dynamic printing pressure adjustment
 10 chillroller
 10 UV curing system GEW ECP 2019
 Diecut unit
 Matrix rewind unit
 Exit pacing unit
 High performance slitter uni
 web video
 Rewind uni
 Jobdata storage for up to 500 jobs
 Chilling machine
 Automatic register control
 Rail system
 Delam / relam
 10 Anilox sleeve
 98 print sleeve
 Job change trolley

Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale FGT 24-185
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aktuelle GALLUS EM 510 - 10-color + ähnliche GALLUS-Modelle

2005 GALLUSEM 510 C
2008 GALLUSEM 510 - 5-colour UV-FLEXO