Horizontale Drehmaschine GILDEMEISTER DMG SPRINT Linear

Metallbearbeitungs- und Werkzeugmaschinen / Drehmaschinen

Hersteller: Gildemeister

Modell: DMG SPRINT Linear

Maschinentyp: Horizontale Drehmaschine

Eintrags-Nr.: 166541560

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 13.03.2025

Baujahr: 2006 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-SI Slowenien


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: SI-TUR-GIL-2006-00001

This 6-axis Gildemeister DMG GILDEMEISTER SPRINT Linear 65 was manufactured in 2006. A robust CNC Lathe with Linear Technology, it features a maximum turning diameter of 65 mm and length of 600 mm. Equipped with Siemens Sinumerik 840D control, three turrets, and Y-axis capabilities, it ensures precision and flexibility. If you are looking to get high-quality turning capabilities consider the Gildemeister DMG GILDEMEISTER SPRINT Linear 65 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information about this machine.
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This 6-axis Gildemeister DMG GILDEMEISTER SPRINT Linear 65 was manufactured in 2006. A robust CNC Lathe with Linear Technology, it features a maximum turning diameter of 65 mm and length of 600 mm. Equipped with Siemens Sinumerik 840D control, three turrets, and Y-axis capabilities, it ensures precision and flexibility. If you are looking to get high-quality turning capabilities consider the Gildemeister DMG GILDEMEISTER SPRINT Linear 65 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information about this machine.
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale SI-TUR-GIL-2006-00001
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Herr Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

RESALE Anbieter seit 2017

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aktuelle Gildemeister DMG SPRINT Linear + ähnliche Gildemeister-Modelle

2004 GILDEMEISTERSprint 20 Linear 25000 EUR
2008 GILDEMEISTERSprint 50 Linear
2006 GILDEMEISTERSprint 65 Linear
2005 GILDEMEISTERSprint 65 Linear 49500 EUR
2006 GILDEMEISTERSprint 65 Linear
2006 GILDEMEISTERSprint 42 linear
2007 GILDEMEISTERSprint 20 Linear
2008 GILDEMEISTERSprint 20 linear
2016 GILDEMEISTERsprint 20/8
2011 GILDEMEISTERSprint 65

Preise: verkaufte Gildemeister DMG SPRINT Linear + ähnliche Gildemeister-Modelle

2006 GILDEMEISTERSPRINT 65 LINEAR 3T 138000 EUR [Nov 2020]
GILDEMEISTERSprint 32 Linear 90000 € [Jun 2012]
2011 GILDEMEISTERSprint 65 Linear 70000 EUR [Apr 2017]
2007 GILDEMEISTERSPRINT 65 LINEAR 2T 115000 EUR [Dec 2020]
2005 GILDEMEISTERSprint 42 Linear 140000 € [Jun 2012]
2003 GILDEMEISTERSprint 32 Linear 46700 EUR [May 2019]
2007 GILDEMEISTERSPRINT 65 LINEAR 2T 115000 EUR [Dec 2020]
2007 GILDEMEISTERSprint 65 linear 135000 EUR [Aug 2014]
2015 GILDEMEISTERSPRINT 32 linear 135000 EUR [Oct 2020]
2005 GILDEMEISTERSprint 65 Linear 53500 EUR [Jan 2024]
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