CTP Computer-to-Plate Imagesetter For Thermal Plates 830nm, Typ
PJ.003.0000, Serial No. PJ001632, Age: 2010, Laser Type Gen3 / 160-,
with 64 Diodes, External Drum, Throughput 17 Plates/Hour at 2540 dpi,
Bacherst Suit Punching Distance 425mm, Plate Format: 240mmx240mm Up To
670mmx 760mm, with Prinect MetaDimension Software (12.0 License
Service Dongle), Signa Station: Workstation Monitor Mouse, Laser
Exposure Time: 54575 Pieces, Total Exposed Plates: 1325 h, Complete
with Accessories, Plate Processing Station: Glunz & Jensen C85
Processor, M-No. 95455-0115, Age: 2010, Advand PST 26 Stacker