Holz IMA B310V 120/600

Verschiedenes / Verschiedenes

Hersteller: IMA

Modell: B310V 120/600

Maschinentyp: Holz

Eintrags-Nr.: 166542268

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 15.03.2025

Baujahr: 2004 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-DE Deutschland


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: DE-WOO-IMA-2004-00001

This woodworking machine was manufactured in 2004. It features a robust 12 kW main spindle with a programmable speed range of 1500-24000 rpm and a tool holder HSK F63. The machine table includes 6 support arms and sets of suction plates, adjustable for various workpiece sizes. Additionally, it boasts a 100 m/min rapid traverse on the X-axis and an 18-fold tool change magazine. For more information about this woodworking machine, please reach out to us.
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This woodworking machine was manufactured in 2004. It features a robust 12 kW main spindle with a programmable speed range of 1500-24000 rpm and a tool holder HSK F63. The machine table includes 6 support arms and sets of suction plates, adjustable for various workpiece sizes. Additionally, it boasts a 100 m/min rapid traverse on the X-axis and an 18-fold tool change magazine. For more information about this woodworking machine, please reach out to us.
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aktuelle IMA B310V 120/600 + ähnliche IMA-Modelle

Preise: verkaufte IMA B310V 120/600 + ähnliche IMA-Modelle

2010 IMABCUT 120/300 116430 EUR [Jun 2023]
2006 IMABanding machine Advantage 600 12000 EUR [Jan 2017]