Holz IMA COMB/ K/ II/ R75 / 1075 /

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Herr Borja Garcia
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RESALE Anbieter seit 2017

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Eintrags-Nr.: 164982460 Anzahl: 1 Datum: 01.11.2024
Baujahr: 1996 Standort: Land-DE Deutschland
Preis: [netto]
Hersteller: IMA
Modell: COMB/ K/ II/ R75 / 1075 /
Maschinentyp: Holz
Beschreibung: Holz IMA COMB/ K/ II/ R75 / 1075 /


This edge processing line was manufactured in 1996. It features a robust double-sided edge processing line, including a gluing unit with granulate pre-melter and a 6-position roll magazine for edging material. Equipped with both flush and fine milling capabilities, it also includes a profile scraper and a buffing unit. Ideal for longitudinal and transverse processing, the IMA COMBIMA offers comprehensive functionality for advanced woodworking tasks. For more information about this woodworking machine, please reach out to us.
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale DE-WOO-IMA-1996-00001
Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: DE-WOO-IMA-1996-00001
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aktuelle IMA COMB/ K/ II/ R75 / 1075 / + ähnliche IMA-Modelle

Preise: verkaufte IMA COMB/ K/ II/ R75 / 1075 / + ähnliche IMA-Modelle

2003 IMACombima /I/R75/885 38000 EUR [Aug 2018]