The monoblock F87 is an automatic intermittent movement machine that
can perform three operations at the same time: a volumetric filling
and two closures. Aqueous, alcoholic, sugary, foamy, viscous products
can be given. Droppers, glass or plastic pipettes, nebulizers, normal
or freeze-drying rubber caps can be introduced. You can apply screw
caps, press caps, ferrules, PFP etc. The carter and the machine table,
on which all the operating groups are fixed from the inside, are in
AISI 304 stainless steel and protect the mechanical parts from the
infiltration of the treated products and the water used for washing.
The operating units and their supports are made of AISI 304 stainless
steel and receive their motion from a single variator motor, obtaining
the dual purpose of relating, without interruption, the speed of the
machine with the rotation speed of the screwing or seaming, and not to
have electric motors above the work stations, thus eliminating sources
of possible pollution of the treated products. The volumetric filling
unit is also located on the machine - plane and the syringes (in glass
or stainless steel) act vertically. This solution avoids the radial
stresses that are often the cause of breakages, reduces wear, and
facilitates the adjustment and cleaning of the filling units. The
closing groups are designed to process all types of caps or caps
commonly used in the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries
and have simple and easy adjustments that reduce time for format
change. A peculiar feature of the group for the introduction of caps
or droppers is the ability to rotate the closing element during the
introduction phase. The advantages of this system are manifested
especially with soft rubber stoppers which, if introduced without
rotation, tend to come out of the bottle. The screwing of the capsules
takes place in two stages: a spindle picks up the capsule, brings it
to the bottle in the correct position and gently pre-screws it. At the
next station, a screwdriver tightens it respecting the desired
tightening torque. The vibrating feeders of the closing elements are
positioned at about 1200 mm from the floor, so the operator has no
difficulty in checking and supplying them.