The most cost effective solution for extruders up to 3.000 kg/h., Very
compact shape, less metal to heat up., High resistance to pressures
line (up to 350 bar)., Minimum material waste due to the continuous
cotamination removal., Adjustable speed of the discharge screw allows
the finest handling. Continuous cleaning allows to use filters longer
than traditional technologies., Pressure is kept constant all the time
for a more even process, Easy maintenance: filter replacement easier
and faster, without removing machine’s components. Also available
with an automatic opening system that makes opening and closing
lid’s operations easier, faster and safer., Double screening system
: 2 x Ø 370 mm., With laser screens (from 60 to 350 µm), punched
screens (from 400 to 2000 µm),, metallic mesh screens (from 230 to 10
mesh)., Bespoke screens available since they are produced in-house.,
Laser and punched screens withstand wear and high temperatures.They
can be cleaned in a pyrolytic oven to be re-used several times., This
machine can switch from doctor-blade mode to back-flush mode simply by
changing the kit of internal components. In this mode, only mesh
filters will be used. This mode is suggested with light
contamination., Contact us with your projects details:, - Kind of
material, - MFI, - Throughput rate in kg/h, - % and kind of
contaminants, - Mesh size, to get your quotation now., This machine is
replacing the most conventional ones for its compactness and
affordabily., function: screening - fully automatic