Enthaarungsmaschinen JWE 80/160/5 DGB 2000

Nahrungsmittelmaschinen / Fleisch- und Fischverarbeitungsmaschinen / Enthaarungsmaschinen

Hersteller: JWE

Modell: 80/160/5 DGB 2000

Maschinentyp: Enthaarungsmaschinen

Eintrags-Nr.: 163066467

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 02.01.2024

Baujahr: Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-pl Polen


Maschine auf Lager: Ja

JWE through-feed cutting machine - Germany

Type: JWE 80/160/5 DGB 2000
2-shaft hair removal machine with
fully automatic trough for continuous brewing
Working side: left
Width of passage 2500 mm
Drive motor power 11.0 kW
Hydraulic motor power 2,2 kW
Power of fan motor 1,5 kW
Speed of large roller 100 rpm
Speed of small roller 115 rpm
Consumption of connection propane gas 30 kg/h
Consumption at 15 seconds flame time 0,20 kg
Gas supply line 3"
Number of burners 9 pieces
Gas pressure - main burner (flow pressure) 1.5 bar
Gas pressure - pilot burner 50 mbar
Hood connection O 400 mm
Cold water connection 3"
Hot water connection 3"
Dimensions Length 1310mm
Width 2600mm
Height 3150mm
Weight approx. 2200 kg
Weight in working condition approx. 2500 kg
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JWE through-feed cutting machine - Germany

Type: JWE 80/160/5 DGB 2000
2-shaft hair removal machine with
fully automatic trough for continuous brewing
Working side: left
Width of passage 2500 mm
Drive motor power 11.0 kW
Hydraulic motor power 2,2 kW
Power of fan motor 1,5 kW
Speed of large roller 100 rpm
Speed of small roller 115 rpm
Consumption of connection propane gas 30 kg/h
Consumption at 15 seconds flame time 0,20 kg
Gas supply line 3"
Number of burners 9 pieces
Gas pressure - main burner (flow pressure) 1.5 bar
Gas pressure - pilot burner 50 mbar
Hood connection O 400 mm
Cold water connection 3"
Hot water connection 3"
Dimensions Length 1310mm
Width 2600mm
Height 3150mm
Weight approx. 2200 kg
Weight in working condition approx. 2500 kg
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 163066467
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