KOMORI Lithrone LS 529 H-UV

Druckmaschinen / Druckmaschinen: Bogenoffset 5-Farben

Hersteller: Komori

Modell: Lithrone LS 529 H-UV

Eintrags-Nr.: 163206528

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 24.10.2024

Baujahr: 2015 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-de Deutschland


Komori Lithrone LS 529 H-UV

Age: 2015
Counter: 70 mio. Impression
Format: 53 x 74 cm
Substrate thickness: 0,06 – 0,8 mm
Printing Performance: 16.000 sheets/h

5 color machine
Straight machine
FAPC (Full Automatic Plate Changer)
Komorimatic Dampening System
Technotrans alpha.c with alcosmart
Ink temperature control
Automatic washing devices (Ink roller, Blanket, impression)
Komori PQC-S (Print Quality Control System)
Komori KHS-AI (KHS Advanced Interface for very short Make readies with minimum paper waste)
Komori AMR (Automatic Make Ready)
Komori Self Diagnosis
Komori Smart Feedback
Komori PCC 2.3x
Komori PDC-SII (Print Density Control-Spectrodensitometer)
Ultrasonic Double Sheet Detector
Skeleton Transfer Cylinder
Double-sized Impression- and Transfer Cylinder
Cardboard Printing
H-UV Dryer
Baldwin Air Blast Cooler for UV-lamps
High Pile Delivery (1100mm)
Machine comes with Atlas Copco Compressor and SBA Trafo
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Komori Lithrone LS 529 H-UV

Age: 2015
Counter: 70 mio. Impression
Format: 53 x 74 cm
Substrate thickness: 0,06 – 0,8 mm
Printing Performance: 16.000 sheets/h

5 color machine
Straight machine
FAPC (Full Automatic Plate Changer)
Komorimatic Dampening System
Technotrans alpha.c with alcosmart
Ink temperature control
Automatic washing devices (Ink roller, Blanket, impression)
Komori PQC-S (Print Quality Control System)
Komori KHS-AI (KHS Advanced Interface for very short Make readies with minimum paper waste)
Komori AMR (Automatic Make Ready)
Komori Self Diagnosis
Komori Smart Feedback
Komori PCC 2.3x
Komori PDC-SII (Print Density Control-Spectrodensitometer)
Ultrasonic Double Sheet Detector
Skeleton Transfer Cylinder
Double-sized Impression- and Transfer Cylinder
Cardboard Printing
H-UV Dryer
Baldwin Air Blast Cooler for UV-lamps
High Pile Delivery (1100mm)
Machine comes with Atlas Copco Compressor and SBA Trafo

Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 163206528
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