Vollautomatische CTP Systeme (grossformat) LOTEM XL 60/80 Creo

Druckmaschinen / Druckvorstufe: Belichter / Vollautomatische CTP Systeme (grossformat)

Hersteller: Lotem

Modell: XL 60/80 Creo

Maschinentyp: Vollautomatische CTP Systeme (grossformat)

Eintrags-Nr.: 155091852

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 18.05.2022

Baujahr: 2000 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-de Deutschland 23769 Fehmarn


2 Thermal VLF Systems form one place:

1. CTP machine
Lotem XL 60/80 Creo, Bj. 2001 similar to Creo Kodak Trendsetter VLF format 150cm x 200cm in production
The imagesetter is equipped as follows: imagesetter, plate machine, plate stacker
max.format 152.4 x 203.2, 0.3-0.4 thickness the smallest format is 45.7 x 38.1
The software is equipped as follows:
1 x Lotem XL 60/80 Brisque 4 Impose
1 x Lotem 800V transformer
1 x Brisque Back & Front
1 x Lotem XL Singel cassette
1 x Brisque to Improof
1 x Brisque export PS b / w option
1 x EV 800 LVD w / 8x36GB
1 x Lotem XL Wide Conveyor

2. CTP machine
Lotem XL 60/80 Creo, Bj. 2000 similar to Creo Kodak Trendsetter VLF format 150cm x 200cm in production
The imagesetter is equipped as follows: imagesetter, plate machine, plate stacker
max.format 152.4 x 203.2, 0.3-0.4 thickness, the smallest format is 45.7 x 38.1
The software is equipped as follows:
1 x Lotem XL 60/80 Brisque 4 Impose
1 x Lotem 800V transformer
1 x Brisque Back & Front
1 x Lotem XL Singel cassette
1 x Brisque to Improof
1 x Brisque export PS b / w option
1 x EV 800 LVD w / 8x36GB
1 x Lotem XL Wide Conveyor
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2 Thermal VLF Systems form one place:

1. CTP machine
Lotem XL 60/80 Creo, Bj. 2001 similar to Creo Kodak Trendsetter VLF format 150cm x 200cm in production
The imagesetter is equipped as follows: imagesetter, plate machine, plate stacker
max.format 152.4 x 203.2, 0.3-0.4 thickness the smallest format is 45.7 x 38.1
The software is equipped as follows:
1 x Lotem XL 60/80 Brisque 4 Impose
1 x Lotem 800V transformer
1 x Brisque Back & Front
1 x Lotem XL Singel cassette
1 x Brisque to Improof
1 x Brisque export PS b / w option
1 x EV 800 LVD w / 8x36GB
1 x Lotem XL Wide Conveyor

2. CTP machine
Lotem XL 60/80 Creo, Bj. 2000 similar to Creo Kodak Trendsetter VLF format 150cm x 200cm in production
The imagesetter is equipped as follows: imagesetter, plate machine, plate stacker
max.format 152.4 x 203.2, 0.3-0.4 thickness, the smallest format is 45.7 x 38.1
The software is equipped as follows:
1 x Lotem XL 60/80 Brisque 4 Impose
1 x Lotem 800V transformer
1 x Brisque Back & Front
1 x Lotem XL Singel cassette
1 x Brisque to Improof
1 x Brisque export PS b / w option
1 x EV 800 LVD w / 8x36GB
1 x Lotem XL Wide Conveyor
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 155091852
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UPS Used Printing Solutions UG mbH

Herr Stefan Freitag
23769 Fehmarn

RESALE Anbieter seit 2009

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