Horizontale Drehmaschine MAZAK Quick Turn Nexus 200-II MS

Metallbearbeitungs- und Werkzeugmaschinen / Drehmaschinen

Hersteller: Mazak

Modell: Quick Turn Nexus 200-II MS

Maschinentyp: Horizontale Drehmaschine

Eintrags-Nr.: 166541534

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 12.03.2025

Baujahr: 2013 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-HU Ungarn


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: HU-TUR-MAZ-2013-00001

This 4-axis Mazak Quick Turn Nexus 200-II MS horizontal turning machine was manufactured in 2013. It features a 12-position driven turret head, main spindle speed of 5000 rpm, and a counter spindle speed of 6000 rpm. The machine includes a Mazatrol Matrix Nexus controller and a high-performance cooling system. If you are looking to get high-quality turning capabilities, consider the Mazak Quick Turn Nexus 200-II MS machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information.
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This 4-axis Mazak Quick Turn Nexus 200-II MS horizontal turning machine was manufactured in 2013. It features a 12-position driven turret head, main spindle speed of 5000 rpm, and a counter spindle speed of 6000 rpm. The machine includes a Mazatrol Matrix Nexus controller and a high-performance cooling system. If you are looking to get high-quality turning capabilities, consider the Mazak Quick Turn Nexus 200-II MS machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information.
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale HU-TUR-MAZ-2013-00001
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Herr Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

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aktuelle Mazak Quick Turn Nexus 200-II MS + ähnliche Mazak-Modelle

Preise: verkaufte Mazak Quick Turn Nexus 200-II MS + ähnliche Mazak-Modelle

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