Chromed Cylinders, Console, Double sheet control, Semi Auto Plate
Change, Alcohol damping, Technotrans recirculation and refrigeration,
Perfecting 2/2 and 4/0, Grafix powder spray, IR dryer, Auto Blanket
Ink Roller washers, Automatic Impression Cylinder Washers
Mitsubishi D 3000 - 4R (4/0-2/2) from 2003
A 4 Colors Offset Printing press of size 72 x 102 cm
Option ; IPC (Ink Remote Ctrl.), Mitsu. Alcohol Damp. With Technotrans
Recirculation & Refrigeration
and Ink Temperature Control (Technotrans BETA C), All Auto. Washers, S
- APC, Auto. Size setting and
Double Sheet Control PPC, Grafix IR Dryer, PERFECTOR 4/0 - 2/2,
Prepared for CIP Connection, Prepared
for NON Stop Delivery, Grafix powder spray
Condition ; VERY GOOD Condition, ONLY 84 Mio. Impressions Immediately
available, Can be seen RUNNING in our Factory
Pictures at