MOBERT ROLLER 110 6M,, for pre-cut open top bags in a roll, packed in
rolls with paper tape, for 1 - 2 - 3 lanes, different bottom shapes
available, 2 lanes roll width 420 mm, 3 lanes roll width 300 mm, min
roll width 150 mm, Max roll diameter 110 mm, minimum bag length 250
mm, max bag length 1.500 mm, Construction year 1997, Mother reel
driven unwinder, max width 1.700 mm, slit and seal unit 1.700 mm. n.2
knives for 3 lanes, gusseting unit 1.600 mm 3 lanes, 2-lanes
star-bottom folder, 2-lanes folder for C fold, n.2 automatic taping
units, n.1 tension stabilizer for electric cabinet, excellent working