Fensterfertigungsanlagen ROTOX + HOLLINGER EPA 479

Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen / Fensterfertigungsmaschinen / Fensterfertigungsanlagen

Hersteller: Rotox + Hollinger

Modell: EPA 479

Maschinentyp: Fensterfertigungsanlagen

Eintrags-Nr.: 165838655

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 07.12.2024

Baujahr: 2012 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-de Deutschland 33332 Gütersloh

Preis: [netto]   Verhandlungsbasis (VB) 32.000 EUR

Schweiß- Putzlinie bestehend aus Hollinger + Rotox

Hollinger is equipped with:

- All welding times can be set according to profile.
- Welding accuracy of 0.2 mm to external dimensions.
- Heated clamping plates with interchangeable limiting knives on the welding mirrors.
- Automatically movable limiting dimensions (white 1.2 mm, coloured 0.5 mm).
- Allowances with adjustable sealing knives.
- Shaping and cutting gasket moulds for shaping the inside corners.
- Smallest welding dimension small with thicker allowances 330 x 500 mm.
- Largest welding dimension 3800 x 3300mm.
- The heads retract to insert the profiles.
- Set to 5 mm burn-off (each side 2.5 mm).
- Windows 2000

Rotox is equipped with:
- Four-axis cleaner for fast cleaning.
- Automatic turning station with a gripper arm for gentle turning of large, heavy elements.
- Automatic turning up to 3,000 x 3,000 mm.
- Manual operation without plasterer for small elements or U-frames.

Tool carrier at the top:
- Sealing groove cutter.
- V-groove scraper blade.
- Pull-off knife 3 mm groove.
- Inside corner cutter normal overhang.
- Inside corner cutter round projection.
- Inside corner cutter with groove.
- Horizontal seal recess for centre seal.

Tool carrier at the bottom:
- Pull-off blade V-groove.
- Puller blade 3 mm groove.
- Gasket groove cutter.
- Inside corner cutter normal projection.
- Inside corner cutter Round protrusion.
- Puller blade half face offset.
- Outer contour disc for the outer corners.
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Schweiß- Putzlinie bestehend aus Hollinger + Rotox

Hollinger is equipped with:

- All welding times can be set according to profile.
- Welding accuracy of 0.2 mm to external dimensions.
- Heated clamping plates with interchangeable limiting knives on the welding mirrors.
- Automatically movable limiting dimensions (white 1.2 mm, coloured 0.5 mm).
- Allowances with adjustable sealing knives.
- Shaping and cutting gasket moulds for shaping the inside corners.
- Smallest welding dimension small with thicker allowances 330 x 500 mm.
- Largest welding dimension 3800 x 3300mm.
- The heads retract to insert the profiles.
- Set to 5 mm burn-off (each side 2.5 mm).
- Windows 2000

Rotox is equipped with:
- Four-axis cleaner for fast cleaning.
- Automatic turning station with a gripper arm for gentle turning of large, heavy elements.
- Automatic turning up to 3,000 x 3,000 mm.
- Manual operation without plasterer for small elements or U-frames.

Tool carrier at the top:
- Sealing groove cutter.
- V-groove scraper blade.
- Pull-off knife 3 mm groove.
- Inside corner cutter normal overhang.
- Inside corner cutter round projection.
- Inside corner cutter with groove.
- Horizontal seal recess for centre seal.

Tool carrier at the bottom:
- Pull-off blade V-groove.
- Puller blade 3 mm groove.
- Gasket groove cutter.
- Inside corner cutter normal projection.
- Inside corner cutter Round protrusion.
- Puller blade half face offset.
- Outer contour disc for the outer corners.

Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 165838655
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LA Tools & Service

Herr Andreas Lorenz
33332 Gütersloh

RESALE Anbieter seit 2024


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