Wärmetauscher SCHRöDER UTK 18

Nahrungsmittelmaschinen / Sonstige Nahrungsmittelmaschinen

Hersteller: Schröder

Modell: UTK 18

Maschinentyp: Wärmetauscher

Eintrags-Nr.: 77892319

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 26.05.2021

Baujahr: 1985 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-de Deutschland


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: 100193

Type: UTK 18 200-2a-2e
Power: 2X 11 kW + 1X 7,5 kW, 380 V, 50 Hz
Perslucht: max 20-25 bar
Weight: 4.000 kg
YOM 1985

Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger for heating, temperature holding and cooling of liquid, viscous, high viscous and crystalline products. Previous used for heating, holding (volume ± 85 ltr) and cooling of food products (sauces) with steam and ammonia (NH3, 125 ltr, 17 bar, -20°C / 45 °C). 2 Independent Ammonia systems. Constant quality of the product, continuous running and inline cleaning system (CIP).
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Type: UTK 18 200-2a-2e
Power: 2X 11 kW + 1X 7,5 kW, 380 V, 50 Hz
Perslucht: max 20-25 bar
Weight: 4.000 kg
YOM 1985

Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger for heating, temperature holding and cooling of liquid, viscous, high viscous and crystalline products. Previous used for heating, holding (volume ± 85 ltr) and cooling of food products (sauces) with steam and ammonia (NH3, 125 ltr, 17 bar, -20°C / 45 °C). 2 Independent Ammonia systems. Constant quality of the product, continuous running and inline cleaning system (CIP).
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