SCODIX Ultra 202

Druckmaschinen / Druckmaschinen: Digital

Hersteller: Scodix

Modell: Ultra 202

Eintrags-Nr.: 163072339

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 03.01.2024

Baujahr: 2019 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-de Deutschland


Maschine auf Lager: Nein

Scodix Ultra 202
Year 2019
Counter 230.000 copies

Paper size Min: 29 x 42cm
Paper Size Max: 54x78cm

Printing size Max: 74x 50 cm

Foil technology
Digital in-line with Scodix PAS  foil technology

Foil roll width
(min/max 50-500 mm

Foil roll size
Diameter:max 30 cm;
Length:max 2,000 m;
Core:77mm/3 in

Max number of simultaneous rolls
Up to 4 rolls

Polymer layer thickness
From 5 up to 250 microns

Substrate weight 135-675 gsm/6-30 points

Substrate thickness Up to 700 microns

Foil film type
Wide variety of industry standard hot/cold foil films

Offset, Plastics, laminated and coated/uncoated substrates

Up to 2540 x 450 DPI

Variable Data Enhancement (VDE)
PDF, optimized PDF, barcode system (optional)

Scodix RSP™ Technology
4 CCD camera system, RSP™ (Rotate, Scale, Position) algorithm, automatic positioning, ± 100 micron image to
image registration

Substrate loading sizes
Min – L297 x W420 mm
Max – L545 x W788 mm

Printing image sizes
Max – L748 x W504 mm

Polymer tank system
4 polymer tanks

Press dimensions (L x H x W)
7880 x 1790 x 1979 mm

Press weight (net)
5300 kg
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Scodix Ultra 202
Year 2019
Counter 230.000 copies

Paper size Min: 29 x 42cm
Paper Size Max: 54x78cm

Printing size Max: 74x 50 cm

Foil technology
Digital in-line with Scodix PAS  foil technology

Foil roll width
(min/max 50-500 mm

Foil roll size
Diameter:max 30 cm;
Length:max 2,000 m;
Core:77mm/3 in

Max number of simultaneous rolls
Up to 4 rolls

Polymer layer thickness
From 5 up to 250 microns

Substrate weight 135-675 gsm/6-30 points

Substrate thickness Up to 700 microns

Foil film type
Wide variety of industry standard hot/cold foil films

Offset, Plastics, laminated and coated/uncoated substrates

Up to 2540 x 450 DPI

Variable Data Enhancement (VDE)
PDF, optimized PDF, barcode system (optional)

Scodix RSP™ Technology
4 CCD camera system, RSP™ (Rotate, Scale, Position) algorithm, automatic positioning, ± 100 micron image to
image registration

Substrate loading sizes
Min – L297 x W420 mm
Max – L545 x W788 mm

Printing image sizes
Max – L748 x W504 mm

Polymer tank system
4 polymer tanks

Press dimensions (L x H x W)
7880 x 1790 x 1979 mm

Press weight (net)
5300 kg
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale 163072339
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