Elektrische Spritzgießmaschine SUMITOMO SHI DEMAG IntElect2 500/920-2200

Kunststoffverarbeitungsmaschinen / Spritzgießmaschinen


Modell: IntElect2 500/920-2200

Maschinentyp: Elektrische Spritzgießmaschine

Eintrags-Nr.: 166542178

Anzahl: 1

Datum: 13.03.2025

Baujahr: 2021 Gebrauchtmaschine

Standort: Land-HU Ungarn


Positionsnummer des Verkäufers: HU-INJ-SUM-2021-00001

This SUMITOMO SHI DEMAG IntElect2 500/920-2200 was manufactured in 2021. It features a screw diameter of 70 mm, a stroke of 250 mm, and a force of 100 kN. Equipped with high-resolution rotary encoder and integrated servohydraulics, it ensures precise control of movements. Ideal for those seeking the SUMITOMO SHI DEMAG IntElect2 machine we have for sale. Contact us for further details regarding this electrical injection moulding machine.
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This SUMITOMO SHI DEMAG IntElect2 500/920-2200 was manufactured in 2021. It features a screw diameter of 70 mm, a stroke of 250 mm, and a force of 100 kN. Equipped with high-resolution rotary encoder and integrated servohydraulics, it ensures precise control of movements. Ideal for those seeking the SUMITOMO SHI DEMAG IntElect2 machine we have for sale. Contact us for further details regarding this electrical injection moulding machine.
Verkäufer Angebot Nr. resale HU-INJ-SUM-2021-00001
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